At the acting President's meeting with the athletes and technical staff

Sánchez congratulates María Pérez and Álvaro Martín on their "heroic deeds" at the World Championships in Budapest and the Spanish athletics delegation on their third place in the medal table

President's News - 2023.8.29

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

This morning, the acting President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, met with María Pérez and Álvaro Martín, double World Race Walking Champions at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest, together with their technical team, at the Moncloa Palace.

At the meeting, which was also attended by the Minister for Culture and Sport, Miquel Iceta, Sánchez acknowledged the "feat" they have achieved, the efforts made during their "sporting careers" and wished them "all the luck in the world" for what will be their next great challenge, the Paris Olympics in 2024.

Pedro Sánchez also congratulated the federation and the entire Spanish athletics delegation for finishing third in the medal table at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest. "This is the first time that this has happened; we are only behind the United States and Canada, who are also, like Spain, powers in athletics," he highlighted.

The Chief Executive concluded with words of recognition for all Spanish athletes, not only in the best known disciplines, but also for those who, "silently, anonymously, often little recognised from the point of view of the general public, put in extraordinary efforts every day to make their dream come true, which is to compete and achieve the highest distinction".

Non official translation