The President of the Government of Spain visits Spanish troops deployed in Lebanon

Sánchez: The work of Spanish troops in Lebanon is "the tangible expression of Spain's contribution to world peace"

President's News - 2022.12.28

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Miguel de Cervantes Base, Marjayoun (Lebanon)

There he thanked the Spanish troops of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for the work they are carrying out there. Spain has 646 troops in Lebanon, the largest deployment of our country in a UN mission.

On his arrival at the Miguel de Cervantes Base, the President of the Government of Spain greeted the Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL, Spanish Major General Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz, the Commanding General of the Eastern Sector Brigade, Brigadier General Melchor Jesús Marín Elvira and other commissioned and non-commissioned officers.

President Sánchez addressed a few words to the Spanish troops. "Your participation in this UN mission in Lebanon is a tangible expression of our country's contribution to world peace", he stressed. He also conveyed to them "the pride of the whole of Spain for the professionalism and generosity" with which they carry out their work, and praised the troops' attitude of service and dedication.

He also recalled that Russia's aggression against Ukraine over the past year has highlighted both the importance and the fragility of our security, while at the same time making Spaniards aware of the importance of our Armed Forces in guaranteeing Spain's security. In this context, Pedro Sánchez highlighted Spain's commitment to increase its defence spending to 2% of GDP, a measure that the President of the Government of Spain announced at the NATO Summit in June.

This increase, the president assured, "will contribute to modernising and improving the capabilities of our Armed Forces in order to continue making them a benchmark at European and world levels".

The President of the Government of Spain stressed the work that Spain has been carrying out in the Lebanon mission since 2006 to the Spanish troops, highlighting that since the beginning of the deployment, Spain has led UNIFIL's Eastern Sector Brigade.

UNIFIL, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, is the UN's instrument for securing peace in the Middle East, facilitating humanitarian access to the civilian population and contributing to the voluntary and safe return of all displaced people. The current mandate is to monitor the cessation of hostilities, support the Lebanese army south of the Litani River and cooperate with the Lebanese government in extending its authority throughout its sovereign territory. The mission currently has a contingent of close to 10,000 Blue Helmets and 800 civilians from 48 countries.

Pedro Sánchez reiterated his gratitude to the Spanish troops, recalling that they "continue to be essential for the security of the Lebanese people, who only yearn for peaceful coexistence as the main guarantor of their future". He then highlighted the work carried out by UNIFIL members of different nationalities, who form part of the 11,000-strong Mission today under the command of Spanish General Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz. "It is an honour for Spain to share such an important mission with friendly countries and under the common flag of the United Nations", he said.

Family photo of the President of the Government of Spain together with the members of the Spanish troops stationed at the Miguel de Cervantes Base | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo

The President of the Government of Spain conveyed his support to the 646 Spanish military personnel who form part of UNIFIL. It is the largest contingent of the Armed Forces deployed abroad. He reiterated the value of the daily work of this contingent, which contributes to "saving lives, improving the present of all Lebanese people and giving a better future to their new generations".

President Sánchez also dedicated a few words to General Aroldo Lázaro Sáez, who was appointed head of the force commander mission. "This appointment is undoubtedly a clear recognition of the good work and excellence of successive Spanish contingents", he said. He also remembered the 16 soldiers who have given their lives in the line of duty during the 16 years of the mission, and conveyed his heartfelt tribute to their families. "We will always have you in our memory because you are all an indelible example of courage, dedication and sacrifice for Spain and for peace in the world".

Since the explosion that devastated the port of Beirut in August 2020, Spain has contributed aid to Lebanon in various areas. In this regard, President Sánchez praised the shipments of food, medicines and economic aid that both the Ministry of Defence and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation have delivered to the Lebanese authorities and their Armed Forces. Moreover, the troops deployed in Lebanon have developed programmes to support the training of the Lebanese population, participating actively and altruistically in initiatives such as the Cervantes Programme for the teaching of Spanish, which the President of the Government of Spain valued positively.

To conclude, President Sánchez held an informal meeting with 120 people representing all the units at the base.

Non official translation