Following the G-20 Summit of Leaders in Saudi Arabia

Pedro Sánchez outlines COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy at end of G-20 that endorses global commitment to fight pandemic

President's News - 2020.11.22

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

Pedro Sánchez outlined the vaccination plan at the end of the G-20 Summit of Leaders, hosted by Saudi Arabia, and held by video-conference, at which the world's main economies endorsed their commitment to the global fight against the pandemic. The leaders also expressed their firm intention to do whatever is necessary to guarantee universal access to treatment and vaccines against COVID-19.

COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy

The COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy will include 13,000 vaccination points and, as the President of the Government pointed out, it will guarantee that all priority groups have access to the vaccine. To that end, a single vaccination strategy will be agreed at the Inter-territorial Council of the National Health System.

Pedro Sánchez explained that this single vaccination strategy has been designed with a group of multidisciplinary experts that includes experts from the regional governments, the Inter-territorial Council and the Bioethical Committee.

The organisation of the National Health System in Spain, based on primary attention and universal access, with a broad geographic distribution through health centres, will ensure fair access to the vaccine. There will also be an information and registration system to monitor and evaluate the vaccine.

G-20 strengthens its commitment to fight against pandemic

As regards the G-20 Summit of Leaders, held this weekend, the President of the Government explained that the event served to endorse the global commitment to the fight against the pandemic. "The G-20 leaders highlighted their firm wish to do everything necessary to guarantee universal access to treatments and vaccines against COVID-19", said Pedro Sánchez.

The President of the Government stressed that "no-one is totally safe until the whole world is safe". Pedro Sánchez also underlined a clear message sent out by the Group of Leaders in defence of the World Health Organization in the global response to the pandemic.

The President of the Government considers that this G-20 Summit has conveyed a message of confidence to global public opinion regarding the joint commitment of countries to a strong, sustainable and inclusive recovery, and on the robustness of the multilateral system. "At this Summit, Spain has confirmed its global vocation as one of the 20 most inclusive democracies in the world and its active role at the main forum for global economic governance with a proactive and progressive agenda", stated the President of the Government.

Climate change, multilateralism and gender equality

Among the other achievements of the Summit of Leaders, Pedro Sánchez highlighted that the G-20 has been unanimously able to agree on an ambitious text on climate change for the first time since 2016, which recalls the commitments taken on in Paris. The President of the Government also considers it important that the text agreed points to a more sustainable, fairer and more inclusive future multilateral trade system and that the countries have shown their firm intention to maintain extraordinary tax measures to respond to the crisis and to close off negotiations to agree on a digital tax in 2021.

Spain has ensured that one of the main priorities to be included in the Declaration from this G-20 Summit is the empowerment of women and girls, and sends out a clear message to foster gender equality. Our country has also guaranteed that the crucial issue of migration is kept on the future agenda of the G-20.

Non official translation