Demographic challenge
The candidate for the Presidency of the Government of Spain sets as priorities achieving full employment, increasing purchasing power, reducing medical waiting lists, revaluing pensions, improving access to housing and advancing equality and territorial cohesion.
The acting Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food stresses the need to promote infrastructures, connectivity and digitalisation in rural areas.
Ecological Transition launches the second call for renewable hydrogen subsidies with €150 million
The H2 Pioneers Programme aims to promote the production of green hydrogen in sectors that are difficult to decarbonise, such as industry and transport. The first call of the programme awarded a further €150 million to 19 projects in nine autonomous communities.
The Council of Ministers approves new measures to boost vocational training and digital skills
The Government of Spain has agreed on the territorial distribution of more than 1.3 billion euros to consolidate VET and announced that satellite broadband at 35 euros per month will be launched in June to close the digital divide.
The Government of Spain allocates new aid to communities and town councils to halt depopulation
The executive has also financed agricultural and livestock programmes to the value of €292 million, and has authorised the implementation of the combined agricultural insurance plan.
The average amount of the grants will be 1,730 euros for non-university students and 3,130 euros for university students. The Executive has also reformed Artistic Education for the first time in over 30 years and has agreed to accept up to 1,200 refugees during 2023.