Planas reaffirms Spain's agreement with maintaining trade measures in support of Ukraine

News - 2024.1.29

29/01/2024. Planas reaffirms Spain's agreement with maintaining trade measures in support of Ukraine. The Minister for Agriculture, Fisherie... The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, during the videoconference he held with the Ukrainian counterpart, Mikola Solsky

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Luis Planas met by videoconference with the Ukrainian Minister for Agriculture, Mikola Solsky, with whom he discussed some aspects of the process of this country's integration into the EU and bilateral collaboration with Spain.

The two countries have close trade links and Ukrainian grain is essential to cover Spanish consumption needs. In 2022, Spain imported almost €1.9 billion worth of agri-food products from Ukraine, mainly maize, wheat and sunflowers. When the Black Sea corridor for exporting Ukrainian grain was in operation, Spain was the first recipient of Ukrainian grain.

Since 2020, there has been a memorandum of understanding between Spain and Ukraine on agriculture and the food industry, covering sanitary and phytosanitary measures, seeds and nursery plants, development of the agricultural insurance system, land restoration and spatial data infrastructure.

Planas once again conveyed the Government of Spain's solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who have been living in an unjust situation since 2022 following Russia's illegal invasion.

Non official translation