The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, attends the Armed Forces Day celebrations
A total of 6,250 men and women from the three Armies took part in celebrating Armed Forces Day, which had its main event in Oviedo, presided over by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.
The land parade, which was preceded by an air parade and naval review held yesterday in Gijón, represents, in the words of the Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, an opportunity to remember that peace is the most precious asset we have.
Robles pointed out that the world is experiencing a very complicated situation and that is why, on a day like today, Spain and its Armed Forces are making a firm and decisive commitment to peace. "The armed forces are brave and are there to guarantee peace, which always hangs in the balance everywhere," she said.
The military parade, which took place over a kilometre in the centre of Oviedo, allowed the whole of the public to enjoy an exhibition with 3,293 soldiers on foot. Added to the participants in the events of the previous days (270 in the Gijón air parade, 292 in the Military Music event, 2,071 in the naval air activities and 324 in the static exhibition and display), this brings the total number of troops to 6,250.
There were also 13 armoured-mechanised vehicles, 108 vehicles and 36 motorbikes, which, together with the passing of the horses of the Royal Guard, always attract the attention of the attendees.
New system for mobile devices
On this occasion, and for the first time, the parade could be followed via an audio playlist, hosted on YouTube. The QR codes printed on the signs along the route allowed access from any mobile device to information about each of the groups as they passed through.
As usual, the units with mascots were particularly popular: the female goshawks and eagles of the Light Infantry Brigade, the male sheep of the Legion and the dogs with their guides of the UME. The colourful uniforms of the Regulars and the Mountain Hunters are, on the other hand, one of the assets that add to the spectacular nature of the parade.
In addition to the tracing of the flag in the air by the Eagle Patrol, another of the highlights of the celebration of every Armed Forces Day is the performance of the Air Force Parachute Acrobatic Patrol, who are in charge of the jump with the national flag.
Tribute to the injured and deceased
The minister, who this morning met with relatives of those killed and injured in the line of duty, also took part in the tribute paid to them at the start of the parade.
Margarita Robles told the families of those killed and injured in the line of duty that "this is a tribute from all the Armed Forces, and wherever they are, it should be a source of comfort to them. They know that they have all my affection and that of the Armed Forces".
She also reminded them that whatever they need, there will always be a man or woman from the armies who will be with them. "I have always admired your fortitude and strength. I would like you to be proud of each and every one of them today, Armed Forces Day," she said.
Non official translation