The Minister for Defence receives the last soldiers of the EU contingent in Mali

News - 2024.5.19

19/05/2024. The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, receives the last contingent of the European Union mission in Mali. The Minister for... The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, receives the last contingent of the European Union mission in Mali

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The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, thanked the last contingent of the European Union mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) for their work and dedication. The 116 Spanish soldiers and 16 soldiers of other European nationalities arrived at the Torrejón de Ardoz Air Base (Madrid) in the early hours of this morning.

Robles pointed out that "we are proud to have contributed to peace and development with the men and women of the Armed Forces who, once again, have left the Spanish flag flying high with their dedication, empathy and professionalism".

"They can return home with their heads held high and with the satisfaction of having fulfilled their duty", concluded the Minister for Defence, who reiterated that "Spain and its Armed Forces are a point of reference wherever they are present".

Humanitarian aid for Mali

Spain's participation in EUTM Mali began on 1 April 2013, following its approval by the Congress of Deputies. During these 11 years, in which more than 20,000 Malian soldiers have been trained, our country has contributed with the presence of 8,300 soldiers and the leadership of four Spanish generals.

The objectives of the mission have been to train the country's military units, to train its Armed Forces at all levels and to improve the Military Education System, as well as to advise and train the G-5 Sahel Joint Force Headquarters.

Through its presence in EUTM Mali, Spain has demonstrated its commitment to peace, security and stability in Malian society and the region.

In addition to the military contribution, the Ministry of Defence has made possible the implementation of 110 projects for the benefit of the local population, ranging from support for children's educational development to the implementation of measures to lay the foundations for a better and more prosperous future for Malian women, without forgetting basic aspects for a society such as guaranteeing access to drinking water or improving health services.

Our contingent has also managed and delivered dozens of Spanish donations of clothing, non-perishable foodstuffs and sanitary and hygienic materials.

Non official translation
