Elma Saiz meets with the Spanish community in Washington and highlights the Government's promotion of return policies

News - 2024.1.25

25/01/2024. Elma Saiz meets with the Spanish community in Washington. The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, ... The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, meets with the Spanish community in Washington

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The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, met on her second day of her official visit to the US with the Vice President of Human Development of the World Bank, Mamta Murthi, and the Manager of Social Protection and Employment, Dolores Arribas Baños.

In the bilateral meeting held in Washington DC, they underlined the importance of continuing to work on the common agenda initiated with development projects for circular migration of Spain with Colombia, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, and good practices in European minimum incomes, especially in Spain, Italy and Greece.

They also explored new avenues of collaboration around the Ministry's Policy Lab with 34 pilot inclusion projects linked to the Minimum Basic Income. The World Bank vice-president encouraged Spain to "maintain European leadership on social justice issues".

For her part, the minister expressed special thanks for "the World Bank's efforts and resources in the area of migration, a sign that this is a challenge that knows no borders". Their report "World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees and Societies" is, Saiz added, "a reference for the design of public initiatives, proposing a global framework for the development of different, more flexible, efficient and inclusive migration plans".

The Spanish delegation then met with Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Among other issues, they discussed the development of the Diplomatic Resettlement Network, promoted by the US in 2023, the US-Canada-Spain Trilateral Agreement and the Secure Mobility Offices (SMO). "We have examined how to promote safe and legal migration. We are working closely together to identify innovative solutions to the most pressing challenges," Saiz underlined.

The minister also commented on the regulatory changes undertaken in recent years to attract talent to Spain, highlighting "the new regulation to open up complementary resettlement channels".

The latest bilateral meeting was held with the president of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), Andrew Selee, and his team. MPI is a think tank of recognised prestige on migration issues in the US, with a current focus on Latin America. "The institute is aware of our firm commitment to improve migration alternatives and to support well-designed integration policies that guarantee the best results," Saiz concluded.

Visit to the NGO DC Central Kitchen, a humanitarian benchmark

The ministerial delegation also had the opportunity to visit the headquarters of the NGO DC Central Kitchen, where the chef José Andrés, who among other accolades received the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord 2021 and European Citizen 2022, was inspired to create his own organisation (World Central Kitchen) for his solidarity and humanitarian work.

World Central Kitchen has already served 350 million meals worldwide. Aid teams are currently on the ground in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Japan, Ukraine, Florida and Alabama supporting families affected by conflict and natural disasters. The minister highlighted the commendable work of the organisation and underlined the efforts of José Andrés, "a benchmark in cuisine and humanitarian aid for generations around the world".

Outstretched hand to the Spanish community

The day concluded with a meeting at the Embassy with representatives of the Spanish community in Washington DC. In attendance were associations such as Españoles Científicos en USA (ECUSA), the Council of Spanish Residents in Washington DC, the Spanish Centre, the Casa de Valencia and the Federation of Spanish Associations in the USA (Faeusa).

During an enriching talk, Saiz thanked them for their presence, underlining the importance that the ministry attaches to Spanish citizens abroad and to return policies: "Our objective is to provide the best attention and coordinate actions so that the social and labour integration of returnees is carried out under the most favourable conditions, and to promote aid and subsidy programmes for those who wish to return or who have already done so".

The three-day visit will end with a meeting at Georgetown University with a group of Spanish students, in which visiting professor and Prince of Asturias Professor Juan Luis Manfredi will take part.

Non official translation