Control session in the Lower House of Parliament

Pedro Sánchez: "We govern for the majority because we listen to the majority"

President's News - 2024.4.24

Lower House of Parliament, Madrid

24/04/2024. Pedro Sánchez attends the control session in the Lower House of Parliament. The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánc... The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his speech at the control session in the Lower House of Parliament (Pool Congreso)

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The head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, today argued in the Government control session in the Lower House of Parliament that the Government listens to all citizens, an attitude that, according to the president, is demonstrated by the economic measures adopted.

According to Pedro Sánchez, this government "listens to workers and employers" and, for this reason, initiatives have gone ahead such as the revaluation of pensions in line with the CPI or the approval of the labour reform which has brought stability and dignity to workers".

The President also made reference in this context to the increase in the minimum wage and the feminist cause, with the fight against gender violence.

Disinformation and justice

In his response to the question on illegal immigration posed by the deputy of the Vox parliamentary group, Santiago Abascal, Pedro Sánchez pointed to disinformation as one of the main threats to democracy.

"The Department of Homeland Security report talks about the use of illegal migration to destabilise democracies", began the head of the Executive, who mentioned the case of Belarus and Lukashenko's regime with Lithuania as an example.

"The two main threats to which this national security strategy refers," the president continued, "are cyber-attacks and disinformation". On this point, Pedro Sánchez stated that this is the "main problem facing Spanish democracy and Western democracies" and listed several examples.

"Disinformation to associate migration with criminality; disinformation to associate feminism with an attack on men's freedoms; disinformation to trivialise the effects of climate change", the president listed, in the face of which he called for "useful politics, politics that transforms".

Finally, in response to the question on justice posed by Gabriel Rufián, a member of the Republican Parliamentary Group, Pedro Sánchez stated that he continues to believe "in justice, in autonomy, independence and the separation of powers".

Non official translation